Price: 20-25kr (Approx. $2)
I have a friend who really likes these. So I recently got the opportunity to try one for basically free. Hopefully he won't get mad at me
for being negative.
Philosophy of Use:
Energy boost for special occasion is a good use-case for this product. On a diet or fasting and really tired? Perfect. Gonna need to stay awake and work hard? Pretty good, but a drink with sugar might be even better. Of course, with this, you won't get a blood sugar "dip".
Caffeine for addicts is another scenario, you can drink this instead of coffee. It can become a rather expensive habit though.
The taste is a bit disappointing in my opinion. It tasted like vitamin supplements and caffeine, the main ingredients actually. There was a also a sweet fruity taste, but the fruity part certainly was weak. The sweetness was not as rich as real sugar. Certainly not to sweet. Rather refreshing, but not as good as other energy drinks in my opinion.
Energy effects:
The main ingredient here is caffeine, at a high dosage of 200mg. I wouldn't drink this before going to bed, and I wouldn't drink more than one per day. This is personal of course. I can certainly feel it's effects on an empty stomach.This drink does not have any energy in the form of quick calories though, that can also be felt. There's many other ingredients that may or may not have extra energizing effects, I'll leave it at the energizing effects being highly potent. Otherwise I might not have written this much honestly.
The price is a bit high in my opinion. This drink wasn't the best tasting. Maybe the other flavor are better. I'll come back if I try them. This drink has the advantage of being smaller at only 355ml, with a lot of caffeine. If you are in a situation where size and weight is very important you might want to go with powder or pill solutions instead.
Monster Absolutely Zero has a similar, usually slightly lower price at 15-22kr. It's a bigger 0,5L can, and in my opinion
a much better taste. It's still sugar free and has close to zero calories. This is probably what I would buy. Caffeine is lower at 140mg/can.
Another alternative, if taste isn't the most important factor, would be some sort of "PWO". PWO stands for "pre workout" and is basically a energy drink in powder form aimed at athletes and body builders. The price per serving will be 7-15kr or so. Basically, the PWOs I have tried taste a lot like Celsius, but the bad aspects amplified. Might have more or less caffeine, but 200mg/serving is not uncommon.
You can buy it