Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tea review: Lipton green tea Strawberry cupcake VS Lidl's Lord Nelson Papaya & pineapple infusion

 I don't know too much about tea, so I am mainly going to talk you taste, price and ingredients.

Smell (taste):
The Lord Nelson Papaya & pineapple infusion has a very powerful smell, it's the kind of smell you can smell when you open the packet. It smell fruity, a very delicious fruity smell I haven't quite smelled before. This is certainly also felt when drinking the tea. The tea is almost a bit sour when you don't add sugar too it, looking at the ingredients the fruit would explain this.

The Lipton green tea Strawberry cupcake instead has very regular tea flavor with some strawberry in it. The smell and taste is not as powerful as the Lord Nelson at all. It's still pretty good though. From this kind of design and package I would expect more though.


The ingredients are clear one the Lord Nelson tea and consists mainly of hibiscus flowers and fruit. It's not real tea! But this is probably what gives it it's good taste.

The Lipton tea however, contains mostly green tea. It's also quite hard to read.

The Lipton tea might contain caffeine. But since it is not stated on the package and since I cannot feel any effect, I assume it's negligible. 

The regular price for the Lipton tea is 20kr and the regular price for the lidl tea is 12kr. 

I strongly recommend you to buy the  Lidl's Lord Nelson Papaya tea instead!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Thoughts: Gymgrossisten Black Shaker

This is a cheap, entry level, if you will, shaker. It's mediocre, but fine for the price. I really wonder why it's so big though. You can get it here.
I have two, one has gone stinky.

However, there's a better alternative for the same price! The smartsupp shaker. It's identical to this, but it's transparent so you can see inside it! Read Apowers in-depth review of the smartsupp shaker HERE!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Protein bar review/comparison - Sportyfeel, Goodlife, Gainer pro bar

Philosphy of use
Proteinbars are basically a candybar with as much candy as possible replaced with protien, hopefully whey. It's a balance between bad taste and just being a candybar. It fills you up much more than a candybar, and gives you the most important nutrient, protein. It's a quick, decent to good tasting shelf stable meal.

Stats & ingridients

Here are the stats. They tell you at least some of the story. The sportyfeel bars fluctuate in price, so their stats are a bit inconsistent. Other than the size of the bars, the main difference is that the sportyfeel bar has a higher protein percentage and lower calories. Generally a good thing. The price of sportyfeel is also lower (sometimes). The catch? The third ingredient of the sportyfeel bar is "hydrolyzed collagen". That's fancy speak for boiled animal residue. It's high in protein, but that protein is very hard for the body to take up. Making at least some of the bars protein "empty", and to some, gross...

Protein bars tend to have a "Protein powder" taste. This is pretty strong in the sportyfeel bar. The bar also tastes sweet and of it's "designated" taste, cinnamon and apple or Strawberry white chocolate. The taste is clearly artificial and not very rich. The small bar is easy to get down thanks to it's size.

The Gainer Pro bar also has quite a lot of this "protein powder" taste, less than sportyfeel though. It tastes sweet and a rather weak taste of chocolate. The large bar is very filling and a bit hard to get down for me to be honest - there's simply so much.

The goodlife bar tastes better in my opinion. There's less of that protien taste. Some of the flavors are also less dry. The "mint temptation" flavor is rather lame, but still better than the other bars. The "Salty licorice" isn't very satly but still good, it has strong flavor. All the goodlife bars I have tasted are significantly better tasting then the other two brands.

All of the bars had inconsistencies in their texture. I'm not sure if it was intentional in the Gainer pro bar. There seemed to be rice puffs in the goodlife bars, and the sportyfeel bars had very small pieces of fruit.

The sportyfeel bar can seemingly only be bought at LIDL. That is fine, but I wouldn't recommend this bar. Goodlife and Gainer Pro Bar can be gotten from several online resellers, but I got mine from gymgrossisten.com. In the end, I would recommend the goodlife bars out of these three.

You can buy the goodlife bar here: here or here and the Gainer pro bar here.

Friday, September 4, 2015

$1 Survival mylar blanket review

Blankets that reflect your body heat back at you are a staple in survival, bugout bags and when camping thanks to their small size and low price. But which ones are the best for the price?

For $1 on ebay, you can get one of these. They are big enough at 210x130cm, and they definitely make you warm. It's small and light when package. Basically, It's good!

I\m pretty sure there's better blankets available, but for such a good price?

You can get yours here!

(Failed)MRE/Ration review: Drytech Sweet & sour chicken

My first MRE video, I messed it up of course...

Thanks to Kiwidude for motivating me.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Things that are absolutely bullshit in League of Legends - Yasuo's wind wall.

Most of Yasuo's kit if fine, standard toxic assassin stuff. His ult is super annoying and weird but you can live with it. The wind-wall however...:

The wind wall is broken. It is way to powerful (sometimes). League of Legends is based on the idea of not having to hard counters, so that skill matters more than pick.

The wind wall deletes all enemy projectiles that go through it. Basic attacks, skillshots, "no-skill shots"... The ability will delete anything in contact with it's hitbox. And it's placed just about instantly. Result, Yasuo can put down his wall when he sees a dangerous spell going towards him. He can then stand inside this wall to be completely immune to most ranged attacks. He can dash out, and walk or dash back once projectiles are going towards him.

The cooldown is currently 18-26. There is no counter for projectile-based champions, so they will only have a chance during this downtime. It works, but it's a really shitty mechanic.

Reasonable other designs:
Fizz's Playful makes him untargetable for 0.75 seconds. It performs the same role, helping an assassin avoiding damage. Fizz has to stop moving, have to time it well and will only protect himself, making it annoying but reasonable.

Braum's Unbreakable - Released soon after Yasuo, it uses the same blocking projectiles mechanics. It however removes the first projectile, the rest will do (reduced) damage to Braum. CC is still applied. In addition, Braum's shield is much smaller and will only work from one direction.

Ideas on how it should work:
Making projectiles become AoE on the wall - Will fix most of the issues and punish bad usage.
Add a delay and wake it only work from one direction - Will make it reasonable and counter-able.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

10$ coupon for hosting at Digitalocean.com

Digitalocean.com is a website where you can rent your own server. You can use this server for almost anything, web hosting, game hosting teamspeak or mumble or all at the same time! You will only have to pay for the time you use, not even a full month!

Get $10 of hosting for free, just sign up with this link!


Bellow you can see what you can get for your $10:

DigitalOcean hosting plan and locations as of september 2015
DigitalOcean hosting plan and locations as of september 2015

Review: Celsius Jordgubb/kiwi 355ml [Zero sugar energy drink]

Price: 20-25kr (Approx. $2)

I have a friend who really likes these. So I recently got the opportunity to try one for basically free. Hopefully he won't get mad at me
for being negative.

Philosophy of Use:
Energy boost for special occasion is a good use-case for this product. On a diet or fasting and really tired? Perfect. Gonna need to stay awake and work hard? Pretty good, but a drink with sugar might be even better. Of course, with this, you won't get a blood sugar "dip".

Caffeine for addicts is another scenario, you can drink this instead of coffee. It can become a rather expensive habit though.

The taste is a bit disappointing in my opinion. It tasted like vitamin supplements and caffeine, the main ingredients actually. There was a also a sweet fruity taste, but the fruity part certainly was weak. The sweetness was not as rich as real sugar. Certainly not to sweet. Rather refreshing, but not as good as other energy drinks in my opinion.

Energy effects:
The main ingredient here is caffeine, at a high dosage of 200mg. I wouldn't drink this before going to bed, and I wouldn't drink more than one per day. This is personal of course. I can certainly feel it's effects on an empty stomach.This drink does not have any energy in the form of quick calories though, that can also be felt. There's many other ingredients that may or may not have extra energizing effects, I'll leave it at the energizing effects being highly potent. Otherwise I might not have written this much honestly.

The price is a bit high in my opinion. This drink wasn't the best tasting. Maybe the other flavor are better. I'll come back if I try them. This drink has the advantage of being smaller at only 355ml, with a lot of caffeine. If you are in a situation where size and weight is very important you might want to go with powder or pill solutions instead.

Monster Absolutely Zero has a similar, usually slightly lower price at 15-22kr. It's a bigger 0,5L can, and in my opinion
a much better taste. It's still sugar free and has close to zero calories. This is probably what I would buy. Caffeine is lower at 140mg/can.

Another alternative, if taste isn't the most important factor, would be some sort of "PWO". PWO stands for "pre workout" and is basically a energy drink in powder form aimed at athletes and body builders. The price per serving will be 7-15kr or so. Basically, the PWOs I have tried taste a lot like Celsius, but the bad aspects amplified. Might have more or less caffeine, but 200mg/serving is not uncommon.

You can buy it here.

Friday, April 10, 2015

How to make a DIY electric glowstick


Price - Less then a glowstick

Light time - 24h+ Much longer effective time than a glowstick since it can be turned off. Batteries can be replaced for ~$1

Light strenght - About as strong as a strong glowstick. Can light a small room.

Materials needed:
some wire
A clear straw or similar plastic object that can diffuse the light
One or more switch
One or more LED
Battery holder or similar
Batteries that total ~3 volts (2x AA/AAA/AAAA for example)

Tools needed:
Something to cut and peel the plastic of the wires with (Scissors are fine)
fine grit Sandpaper
Soldering iron
Hot glue gun

Build tutorial:

1. Sand the straw if it's clear. Sanding it will make it diffuse the light batter, making it look more like the whole thing is glowing. Use several straws inside each other to get the light more diffused.

2. Cut  wires and strip them at the end.

3. Solder everything together. The most simple version would just be a single LED connected to a switch and the batteries.

4. Hot glue the LED to the inside of the straw.

Pictures and more details soon!